2 New Features in Google Classroom Rubrics and Originality Reports Here is a video showing the new features: Link Here is a link to the Rubric for the Academic Expectations. Use File, Make a Copy to make a copy for yourself. NOTE: Do not edit this spreadsheet. Import it as a rubric into Google Classroom and make your edits there.
Tech Tips iPhone Here are 7 hidden features that you may not know about Magnification - You can use your cell phone to as a magnifier. Forgot your glasses and can’t read something? Pull out the cell phone go to the control center use the magnifier to magnify the print. Directions at end. Click on the Magnification hyperlink to go directly to the directions. Shake to undo- If you typed a long sentence and accidentally deleted it, you do not need to type it all over again.Instead, shake your iPhone side to side to bring up the undo/redo dialog box. Be sure to hold onto your phone tightly when you shake. Want to turn this feature off? Go to Settings> Accessibility> Touch> Shake to Undo or Redo Typing. Battery Tester- Want to know if your remote control needs new batteries? You don’t need a battery tester. Use your cell phone’s camera. You might not be able to see the remote’s light with your naked eye but your cell phone camera will pick...
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